Prepara il Cammino dei Protomartiri Francescani. Da sapere prima di partire

Information on the Way of the Franciscan Proto-martyrs

Some things you should know before leaving

Come arrivare a Terni, tappa iniziale e tappa finale del pellegrinaggio dei Protomartiri Francescani, Umbria, Italia

How to get to Terni

Terni, the second largest town in Umbria and capital of the province of the same name, is easy to reach by every means of transport. To find out about public transport connecting the various little towns (stopover locations) to each other and also to Terni, go to the following website:
How to reach Terni by car, train or plane...
Segnaletica del Cammino dei Protomartiri Francescani. Quali segnali seguire

Road signs along the Way of the Franciscan Proto-martyrs

In order to make walking the Way of the Franciscan Proto-martyrs an unforgettable experience, you need to gather information and prepare physically.
The route of the Way of the Proto-martyrs is well marked, so the pilgrim needs only to follow the signs and enjoy the discoveries that will be made “in passing”. 
The signage leaves no doubt about the route to follow...

Cosa portare in cammino. Informazioni utili e pratiche per fare un pellegrinaggio a piedi

What to take on the Walk

Useful and practical information for setting off on a pilgrimage on foot.
Not to weigh down your backpack with superfluous objects. As well as weighing less, you will also learn how to live with the bare necessities. Always remember that you are the person who will be carrying the backpack. The ideal weight is 7/8 kg; the baggage should never weigh more than 10 or maximum 12 kilogrammes. For people of slight build, these weights should obviously be decreased...

There are different forms of hospitality available to those who are walking

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Way of the Franciscan Proto-martyrs

The Path is twinned with:

Il Cammino dei Protomartiri è gemellato con il Cammino di Sant'Antonio
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